Projects & articles
These are project 3DLES has been working on
FrameVR in the Classroom (2024)
Development of the community website and virtual area(s) of 'FrameVR in the Classroom', a community dedicated to educators using FrameVR as a virtual world tool. The website is filled with tips & trics for education in virtual worlds and starts from scratch - website:
E-LIVE project (EU) (2022-2024)
Project partner at the E-LIVE project, started January 2022. Technical setup and maintenance of an OpenSimulator Grid, FrameVR, Mozilla Hubs, Moodle CMS, VR tools and Big Blue Button with this educational project: Engaging Languages in Intercultural Virtual Exchange - website:
Lodewien Art Gallery (2022)
In 2015 we developed a virtual art gallery in OpenSimulator, commisioned by the Dutch painter Lodewien.
In 2022 we rebuilt the art gallery of Lodewien in FrameVR so now you can visit the virtual art gallery directly from your browser so, jump right in!
EVA Park project - City University London (2016-ongoing )
Technical research for the EVA Park project. Eva Park is an OpenSim island that does research on how to train people with aphasia and give them unique opportunities to practise their speech and establish social connections in a safe environment - website:
TeCoLa project (EU) (2016-2019)
Project partner at the TeCoLa project, funded by the European Union. Technical and content management of an OpenSimulator grid, Moodle CMS and Big Blue Button web conferencing - website:
Guinevere project (EU) (2017-2019)
Project partner at the Guinevere project, funded by the European Union. Technical and content management of OpenSimulator, building of islands on the Guinevere grid (now to be found on Kitely), for research on gaming in virtual worlds and Minecraft for language education - website:
TILA project (EU) (2013-2015)
Project partner at the TILA project, funded by the European Union. Technical and content management of an OpenSimulator grid, Moodle CMS and Big Blue Button web conferencing - website:
Chatterdale & Parolay (2011-2012)
Development of a virtual English and French language village commissioned by Digitale School, Netherlands. these islands are now part of the EDUgrid and used in the TILA/TeCoLa/E-LIVE projects.
Spanish Language Route (2012-2014)
Research and development of a Spanish virtual environment with Non Player Characters as language teachers. Commisioned by the University of Alcalá de Henares (Spain). Read this article...
Arcadia Orientation island (2013)
Development of a oriëntation island, to learn how to walk, fly, dress, work, etc. Watch the video here. this island is part of the EDUgrid.
mikree zahaav (2012)
Development of a virtual old testament region for Hebrew language learning commissioned by the Tilburg University.
OpenSimulator hosting server (2012)
Moved all virtual world work in OpenSimulator from the Virtyou server host to our own dedicated servers (Linux/Ubuntu).
NIFLAR (2009)
Management and maintenance of NIFLAR's european virtual language areas. website:
Virtyou (2009-2012)
Left TeenSL on Second Life and started working with the Opensimulator grid of, building several educational projects.
Digischool NL (2007-2009)
Research and management of an educational island in Teen Second Life where we tried to find how to use virtual worlds in education. Several basic projects and ideas were tested.
- IE runs an Experiment on OpenSim as part of the SLRoute project (English)
- Taalwijs in de digitale wereld (Dutch PDF)
- Get another life in Second Life (Dutch PDF)
- VIVES Taaldorp 2.0 (Dutch PDF)
- De toekomst van de virtuele leeromgeving - Nick Zwart & John Daniëls (Dutch PDF) uit Honderd jaar Levende Talen (1911–2011): Verleden en toekomst van het taalonderwijs. Amsterdam: Vereniging van Leraren in Levende Talen, 2011, ISBN 978-90-810288-0-6
- Virtuele werelden in het onderwijs (PDF) Interview (Dutch) with Nick Zwart in SURF magazine
- PRIMA VO aug. 2010 - Virtueel Taaldorp (PDF) First pilot in the virtual language villages (Dutch)